Personal Injury Lawyer In Kenansville
If you have been injured due to another’s actions, handling medical bills and property loss can be intimidating. Shane Kennedy Law is prepared to assist in your personal injury case.
Accidents involving motor vehicles are often the result of another person’s negligent actions. Those negligent actions can include alcohol, speeding, improper passing, and running a red light, among many other things. The injuries from these accidents can range from minor bruising to the loss of life. When you are injured due to the negligent actions of another person, you are entitled to compensation for your damages.
Dealing with the resulting injuries, or loss of life, from a motor vehicle accident can become overwhelming especially when you are forced to deal with insurance companies, hospital collection departments, or even a funeral home. Getting immediate help is key to relieving yourself of these burdens and addressing some of the more important issues resulting from an accident in which you were not the at-fault driver. Contact Shane Kennedy Law about your personal injury case today for a free consultation to address what compensation in which you may be entitled to.